Here is the plan for the second pseudolecture. It will be Saturday July 4, 8-9am Pacific time, with a half hour after for further discussion. Here is how it will go.

I’ll give the lecture on zoom, and some shepherds will be there, as well as people who let me know enough in advance that they can’t access youtube. (I’ve already sent zoom information to people I know about — so if you can’t access youtube please let me know.)

Then the lecture will appear on youtube live. I’ll try to have the livestream going by 8 am. I am hoping it will be immediately visible in the AGITTOC channel on youtube:

If not, then someone will (if all goes well) post a link on #AGITTOC announce and this stream #pseudolecture 2 (July 4, 2020) . Maybe on wordpress and discord too. (I think this might get further improved for next week.)

My slides should be available in real time here: .  If you go there now (July 3), you should see the “cover sheet”, and I’ll copy in my pre-made templates near the start of the pseudolecture. Then periodically I’ll back-up the things on my screen, so you can just refresh your screen to see past slides.

For discussion and questions, this week let’s try to do it in one zulip stream (not one per groupoid). I have started a new stream, and it is public, so you just have to subscribe to it. During the pseudolecture, shepherds will be watching the stream, and can relay comments and questions to me that they find worthwhile. These can be substantive, to “please remember to refresh so we can see the old slides”.

After the hour, I’ll stop the recording, and rather than having a subset of people coming on to zoom, let’s stick to the zulip channel you are in. I’ll go to that channel and take questions there. Hopefully that will work better. And in any case we can retool the week after.

Then after the lecture, I’ll post an edited version to youtube (probably just chopping off things before the start and after the end), and take down the livestream. I will also (hopefully later that day) post a problem set / discussion post with “homework”. This coming week, you can do more on the first problem set (there might be more worthwhile discussion in the 2nd week after it is given), and also work on the second problem set (enough to be ready for next week’s pseudolecture).

(Less important for now: Regarding the working groups: It is about time for a rationalization of the working groups. Quite a number of working groups are working either very well or well. A good number are not working, or essentially not working. There are a number of relatively new people who are not yet added to groups. Some of the high-functioning groups have distinct personalities (people with certain backgrounds or interests, say). So for now, please continue to move groups (or be in more than one) — if there is one you know of that would be willing to have you, please join them (and maybe let us know). And before long, I’ll make a post about re-organizing a bit. Perhaps if your group is working reasonably well, you can (in “about the group”) say something about who is in your group (not names, but types), and even if you think you are already at the optimal size, or if you would be willing to have more people who would fit in.)