Update later that same evening: the youtube channel is: here.

(In the process of getting involved, and wondering what you need to do next?   I’ve now put everything under the AGITTOC 2020 tab up top.)

Thanks to David Zhang, Aaron Landesman, Sean Cotner, Matthew Stevens, and Nikolas Kuhn, I tested out the technology today.

Here is the plan, and what you need to do.

By now many of you are in groups, which you know because you are subscribed to a stream on zulip with a name like [letter][3-digit-number]. Please then make sure you are also subscribed to your zulip groupoid, which is the [letter]. E.g. if you are D012, you should be subscribed to groupoid D. (Very likely you already are!)

Some of you signed up more recently, or were not yet in groups for some reason or another. In that case I have invited you to zulip tonight, but not yet to a group; please temporarily subscribe to one of the groupoids at random.

Tomorrow (Saturday) morning (for me!), some time before 8 am Pacific, I will post a link to youtube live. (In later weeks I will undoubtedly be able to post the link in advance; I’ve not yet figured out how to do this before starting, and I have other more urgent things to figure out first.) So you can go there before 8. Also, log in to zulip, and go to the stream in your groupoid for the first pseudolecture (already set up!). I’ll also give you the link to view the slides, which will update in close to real time as I write. Probably shepherds will post it in the groupoids — might be easiest?

(If you can’t access youtube, please let me know in advance, so you can watch elsewhere, likely on zoom! To my surprise, no one has written to tell me that they can’t access youtube.)

Then 8-9am (plus or minus epsilon) I’ll attempt the pseudolecture, undoubtedly with some entertaining technical difficulties. You can discuss and ask questions in the zulip stream. (No one will be watching chat comments on zoom, youtube, discord, etc. etc.) A shepherd will be watching the groupoid discussion, and may ask me questions on zoom during the talk. (The 20-second lag between zoom and youtube will make this a bit weird.) Other questions will of course remain on zulip, so can be discussed later (by you, or anyone else, or me).

At 9-ish, I’ll stop, and stop the recording (or later cut the recording there), and we’ll then discuss a bit. I’m not sure best how to do this; perhaps keeping the same format? Perhaps letting a bunch of people into zoom, who have questions or comments? (The meeting’s limit is 100.)

Then later we’ll see how it went and what should be different next week.

(This first week, I’ve found that setting the stage and giving introductory philosophy accounts for about an hour of what I want to say, so right now I’m intending to say a third of it, then move to math, and return to “setting the stage” at the start of pseudolectures.)

If you are in more than one group (!), and you don’t want this, please let me know.