(In the process of getting involved, and wondering what you need to do next?   I’ve now put everything under the AGITTOC 2020 tab up top.)

Here is the plan for tomorrow’s first pseudolecture, and how to take part.

The plan is for it to happen 8-9 am Pacific time (you do the translation for your own time zone), with up to half an hour afterwards for questions/discussion. This first one will be highly unpredictable and unlike later ones, for many reasons. It will be the first time trying this out for the entire AGITTOC experiment. It will be my first time trying out any of this technology in the wild. The substance will be mainly about setting the stage for later weeks. It will be the first time you do anything like this. It will be the first time the shepherds do this. Etc. etc.

So before the start go to your groupoid on zulip. (If you are not on zulip yet, I’m going to try to move many of you on today. If you end up on zulip and aren’t yet in a group, then go temporarily to any groupoid.) During the pseudolecture, you can ask question and discuss freely. A shepherd will be there looking for things to potentially ask me.

I’ll post here (and I guess the shepherds can post in the stream on zulip) a youtube link, hopefully about 5 minutes before the start. (I think youtube generates the link only when the stream is already live.) The shepherds will be watching on zoom, and will ask questions when they feel like it, based on your discussion.

(There is a 20-second delay between zoom, where I’ll be recording, and youtube, where it will be appearing. That will make things weird, but I’m not sure exactly how.)

At the end of the hour, I’ll conclude, and probably stop the zoom’s part of the recording. Then many of you will head off (to sleep, to breakfast, etc. depending on your time zone and your circadian clock). But we can then have time for questions and discussion (about the substance, the technology, the experiment, anything), say for up to half an hour. Possibly some people can just come on to zoom if they want to discuss (there is a 100-person limit because I’ll do this as a zoom meeting rather than a zoom webinar, which has a 1000-person limit and is less good for discussion), and others can stay on youtube live, and the shepherds might stay with their groupoids too. That part we can play by ear — the 20-second delay may cause more weirdness.

Then when it is all done, we’ll see how it went, and see what should be tweaked for the following week. Also, I think the youtube live link will still be viewable by those watching at later times. Some time probably on Saturday, I will put up a youtube video of the actual hour (ie, trimmed), and take down the livestream.

During the pseudolecture, I will be focused on one thing, so the only way I will be reachable will be by zoom, where shepherds can call things out. I won’t be watching zoom chat, zulip, discord, email, or anything else!

Fingers crossed — but I’m not too worried because I have low expectations, and we’ll learn something by doing this.