It has been a while, but finally, the next version of the notes are here. (For convenience, all earlier versions are posted at the usual place. Added Sept. 4, 2022: a version with an imperfect index is here.)

It took a while because I split the quasicoherent sheaves chapter in two (one is much earlier, and is quasicoherent sheaves ~ “modules over a ring”, and the later one is quasicoherent sheaves ~ “vector bundles”), which required a cascading series of changes in logic and ordering and references.

But it is in much better shape, and I intend to post updates periodically this academic year. People have given me a large number of very useful comments, and they are all in the process of being considered (and often implemented). I think comments made on this blog have been mostly responded (even if to say “it is now on the list”).

Please continue to let me know about any suggestions, corrections, typos, etc., no matter how small. The only exceptions are stylistic things (margins, fonts, low-quality figures).

At this point the figures are supposed to now be substantively correct (except of course where there are things on my “to do list” to fix). Everything before the chapter on dimension now has essentially no remaining known issues (except for a few pages on geometric fibers that I am still rewriting). Later chapters are in different stages of editing.

Here are some random notable changes that I can remember off the top of my head — the things mentioned in earlier posts (associated points; cohomology and base change; etc.) are now in. I like the proof of Chevalley’s Theorem much better (it feels now very easy modulo the fact that finite morphisms are closed).